8 Stunning Alternative Engagement Rings to Watch for in 2024

January 14, 2024 1 Comment

Top 8 Alternative Engagement Ring Trends for 2023 By Valley Rose


In an ever-evolving world of fine jewelry, the allure of non traditional engagement rings is becoming increasingly irresistible to those looking to make a personal statement that steps away from the conventional.

Looking ahead to 2024, a captivating assortment of trends in non traditional engagement rings is set to redefine elegance and bridal jewelry. From the vibrant personality of colored gemstone rings to the subtle charm of Pantone's Color of the Year inspired hues. The resurgence of timeless shapes with modern twists and bold statements rings with unique cut diamonds are all trends to watch. These upcoming engagement trends highlight a shift towards more personalized choices in bridal jewelry, empowering individuals to express their distinct style and values through their engagement rings.

The Best Ethical and Sustainable Materials for Alternative Engagement Rings

Choosing ethical and sustainable materials for alternative engagement rings is crucial as it ensures minimal environmental impact and fair treatment of everyone involved in the supply chain. Valley Rose emphasizes the use of responsibly sourced materials such as fairmined gold and lab-grown diamonds created from air pollution. These lab diamonds, like Aether Air lab diamonds, are made in a facility run on clean energy, contributing to carbon-negative impact.

One of the best gold sources for ethical engagement rings is fairmined gold, sourced from responsible Artisanal and Small-scale Mining (ASM) that meets world-leading standards for responsible practices. Valley Rose uses 100% Fairmined gold, ensuring traceability and responsible practices throughout the supply chain, providing a source of gold that promotes social development and environmental protection. Recycled gold, while seemingly sustainable, does not effectively decrease the demand for gold mining and is not traceable, making fairmined gold a more reliable ethical alternative.

In addition, Valley Rose sources sapphires and precious gemstones from small artisanal miners, ensuring fair living wages for miners and cutters. We also support initiatives such as tree planting and colored gemstone mining communities through organizations like Gem Legacy, further contributing to environmental and social sustainability.

Ultimately, choosing ethical and sustainable materials for alternative engagement rings not only ensures the responsible sourcing of materials but also supports initiatives for environmental protection and fair treatment of workers, making the ring a symbol of love and responsibility.

Alternative non-traditional Engagement Ring emerald cut green teal sapphire and emerald cut accents

Alternative non-traditional Engagement Ring emerald cut green teal sapphire and emerald cut accents. Make yours 

Colored Gemstone Rings

The tradition of proposing with a diamond engagement ring has been a hallmark of Western culture for decades, but the tides are shifting towards more unique and personal expressions of love. Colored gemstones are increasingly taking center stage, offering a vibrant personality and a departure from the conventional 13. From the deep blues of sapphires to the rich greens of emeralds, and the fiery hues of rubies, colored gemstones are capturing the hearts of modern couples seeking something truly unique and meaningful 1314.

Alternative non-traditional Engagement Ring oval teal sapphire and diamond halo

Alternative non-traditional Engagement Ring oval teal sapphire and diamond halo. Make yours 

Why Vibrant is In for 2024

Sure, diamonds are forever, but colored gemstones tell a story. They are making a significant splash in the world of wedding rings for good reason. People are moving away from the idea of a 'perfect' diamond and embracing individualistic expression through colored gems 14. The demand for sapphires, emeralds, and rubies has seen a remarkable increase, with their value going up significantly each year since 2020, a clear indication of their growing popularity 14. Engagement rings featuring colored gemstones were highly sought after in 2023, and this trend is expected to continue into 2024. Rare colored diamonds offer unique hues and characteristics, adding emotional depth to engagement rings 15. Colores gemstones exude nobility, elegance, and bold personalities, appealing to couples seeking non-traditional engagement rings as a personalized expression of individuality 15.

Alternative non-traditional Engagement Ring with colorful peacock flower halo crown and yellow emerald cut diamond

Alternative non-traditional Engagement Ring with colorful peacock flower halo crown and yellow emerald cut diamond.  Make yours 

Best Gemstone Colors for Engagement Rings

Among the plethora of colored gemstones, sapphires emerge as a top choice for engagement rings due to their stunning hues, uniqueness, and excellent durability. They rank just below diamonds on the Mohs scale, making them a durable choice for everyday wear 1316. Sapphires come in a range of colors, including pink, yellow, green, and peach, offering couples a diverse selection to suit their preferences 13.

Emeralds, with their rich green color and timeless elegance, are another coveted choice. Despite being softer than sapphires, emeralds can make durable and eye-catching center stones when properly cared for 13. Rubies, symbolizing passion and love, along with unique options like morganite and aquamarine, are also gaining popularity for engagement rings 13.

In 2024, the use of colored gemstones will be prominent in custom engagement ring designs. Whether couples embrace the deep green of the emerald, which represents an eternal relationship, or the delicate pink hue of morganite representing love and compassion, colored gemstones will be making statements in custom engagement rings 17. The trend towards big and bold colors for colored gemstone engagement rings is something to look forward to, ensuring that engagement rings in 2024 will be timeless, classic, and full of vibrant colors 17.

Colored gemstone engagement rings are not just about the aesthetic appeal; they are a way to add meaning and unique touches to engagement rings. Whether these are heirloom stones or birthstones, the uptick in colored gemstones that hold meaning to their owners will continue 17. This trend underscores the shift towards more personalized choices in fine jewelry, empowering individuals to express their distinct style and values through their engagement rings 1314151617.

Peach fuzz Pantone Color of the Year

Alternative non traditional engagement ring celestial emerald cut peach sapphire baguette halo

Emerald cut peach fuzz colored sapphire center stone and ornate baguette halo. Make yours 

In the realm of fine jewelry, the influence of color trends cannot be overstated, with Pantone's Color of the Year (COY) playing a pivotal role in shaping consumer preferences and design directions. The selection of Peach Fuzz as the Pantone COY heralds a new era of warmth, vitality, and soft elegance in jewelry design, particularly in the domain of non-traditional engagement rings. This section delves into the history of Pantone's COY, its impact on jewelry, and the enticing options Peach Fuzz offers for colored gemstones.

Non traditional diamond solitaire engagement ring pear cut peach fuzz or argyle pinky-champagne pear cut diamond

Non traditional diamond solitaire engagement ring with an argyle pink-peach pear cut diamond. Make yours 

History of Pantone's Color of the Year

Pantone's tradition of selecting a Color of the Year began in 2000, serving as a reflection of societal moods, trends, and cultural shifts. The chosen color influences various industries, including fashion, interior design, and notably, fine jewelry. The selection process involves meticulous trend analysis and consideration of global influences, making the COY a highly anticipated and influential announcement each year.

Pantone COY for Jewelry

The announcement of Peach Fuzz as the Pantone COY has introduced a fresh palette to the jewelry industry, encouraging designers to explore the soft, warm hues in their creations. This choice resonates deeply with the growing preference for non-traditional engagement rings, as it aligns with the desire for unique, personalized pieces that break away from the conventional. Valley Rose has embraced this trend, incorporating Peach Fuzz-inspired hues into our custom ring designs. The color's versatility and warmth make it an excellent choice for those seeking to express individuality and warmth through their engagement ring.

alternative non traditional engagement ring celestial emerald cut peach sapphire diamond pear halo
Non traditional engagement ring with a celestial pear cut halo and emerald cut peach sapphire.  Make yours 

Peach Fuzz Colored Gemstone Options

The Peach Fuzz COY opens up a world of possibilities for colored gemstone engagement rings. Champagne diamonds and morganite stand out as the premier choices for embodying this trend. Champagne diamonds, with their warm, earthy tones, offer a subtle yet captivating sparkle that perfectly complements the Peach Fuzz theme. Morganite, known for its delicate pink to peach hues, exudes a soft elegance and romantic appeal, making it an ideal choice for those seeking an alternative to traditional diamonds. Both gemstones reflect the qualities of Peach Fuzz—warmth, vitality, and a gentle strength—making them popular choices for custom engagement rings.

Tot et Moi

Alternative non-traditional Engagement Ring tot et moi style with pear and marquise prong set diamond

Non-traditional Tot et Moi style Engagement Ring with pear and marquise prong set diamonds.  Make yours 

History and Symbolism

The Tot et Moi ring, translating to "You and Me" in French, carries a profound sentiment of unity and love, symbolized by its design featuring two central gemstones side by side on the band. This design concept dates back to 1796, marking a significant historical moment when Napoleon Bonaparte proposed to Empress Josephine de Beauharnais with the first known Tot et Moi ring 34. The design's enduring appeal through centuries underscores its symbolism of two lovers coming together, making it a timeless choice for expressing love and commitment 3435.

Alternative non-traditional Engagement Ring tot et moi style with emerald cut and oval cut diamond
Alternative Tot et Moi Engagement Ring with emerald cut and oval cut diamonds.  Make yours 

Celebrity Influence

In recent times, the Tot et Moi ring has seen a resurgence in popularity, partly due to its adoption by A-list celebrities such as Ariana Grande, Megan Fox, and Kylie Jenner. These high-profile endorsements have not only brought the Tot et Moi design into the spotlight but have also showcased its versatility and personal significance. For instance, Megan Fox's engagement ring from Machine Gun Kelly features their birthstones, an emerald and a diamond, representing a personal symbol of their love 3531. Ariana Grande's engagement ring, featuring an oval-cut diamond and a pearl, possibly from her grandfather's tie pin, adds a layer of personal history and sentimentality to the design 31.

Alternative non-traditional Engagement Ring tot et moi modern cluster style with pear oval and round cut diamonds

Alternative Engagement Ring in the style of Tot et Moi with cluster of pear, oval and round cut diamonds.  Make yours 

Alternative non-traditional Engagement Ring tot et moi style with pear cut diamonds

Modern non-traditional Tot et Moi Engagement Ring with pear cut diamonds symbolically facing each other.  Make yours 

Design Options

The Tot et Moi ring's appeal lies in its adaptability and the endless possibilities for customization. Whether it's pairing different cuts of diamonds, or incorporating multicolored gemstones, the Tot et Moi design allows for a unique and special representation of a couple's love story 35. For those seeking to reflect their personality or commemorate a special moment, the option to design a custom Tot et Moi ring offers an intimate and meaningful way to do so. Here at Valley Rose we offer customization options for Tot er Moi engagement rings that cater to individual preferences, including a choice of metals, gemstones, and design elements, ensuring that each ring is as unique as the love it symbolizes 3536.

Unique Cut Diamond Rings

Alternative non-traditional Engagement Ring with octagon triangle kite shape diamond

Unique Engagement Ring with triangle shield shape diamond.  Make yours 

Unique cut diamond rings stand out for their distinctive shapes and facets, offering a modern twist to traditional engagement ring designs. These rings are particularly appealing to those who seek to express their individuality and style through their jewelry choices. At Valley Rose we specialize in crafting custom cut diamonds and gemstones rings, making each piece a one-of-a-kind statement of love and commitment.

Step Cuts

Non-traditional Engagement Ring with Emerald cut step cut diamond and trapezoid side diamonds

Non-traditional Engagement Ring with Emerald cut step cut diamond and trapezoid side diamonds. Make yours 

Step cut diamonds, known for their elegance and vintage charm, are characterized by their rectangular facets that resemble a staircase. Popular styles include the emerald, Asscher, baguette, and carré cuts. The emerald cut is particularly admired for its regal appearance, often chosen by celebrities and royals for its sophisticated, mirror-like effect 41. Asscher diamonds, with their square shape and distinct step cuts, offer a sparkle that captures the eye 41. Baguette diamonds, with their sharp edges, and carré diamonds, with their unique pyramid view from above, provide a distinct, hologram-like light reflection 41. Step cuts are celebrated for their sleek look and ability to showcase a diamond's clarity, making them a luxurious choice for those who appreciate vintage or minimalist fashion 41.

Geometric Cuts

Alternative non-traditional Engagement Ring vintage style with princess cut center diamond and diamond halo

Alternative Engagement Ring with geometric princess cut center diamond and diamond halo.  Make yours 

Geometric cuts are defined by their clean lines and unique facets, which add a contemporary flair to classic designs. These cuts are often created by the imagination of the stone cutter, resulting in one-of-a-kind shapes that cannot be categorized into traditional cut types. Examples of geometric cuts include the hexagon, octagon, kite, lozenge, and various double cut geometrics, each offering a statement piece that complements individual style 43

Shield Cuts

Shield cut diamonds offer a distinctive silhouette that captures attention with its pointed corners and elongated profile. This cut maximizes the diamond's surface area, showcasing the stone's exquisite beauty and radiance. Shield cuts are celebrated for their unique design, making them a perfect choice for those seeking an engagement ring that stands out from the crowd 44

Valley Rose Designs is at the forefront of creating unique cut diamond rings that not only symbolize love and commitment but also reflect a commitment to ethical and sustainable jewelry practices. We work directly with our diamond cutters to make a one of a kind work of art out of crystals. 

Bolder Engagement Ring Designs

Bold non-traditional Engagement Ring with emerald cut diamond and red pink ruby morganite halo.

Bold non-traditional Engagement Ring with emerald cut diamond and red pink ruby morganite halo.  Make yours 

In the landscape of engagement ring trends for 2024, there's a noticeable shift away from the minimalist and towards the magnificent. The year is set to embrace designs that are not just rings, but bold statements of individuality and style. This movement is characterized by two main themes: "Dainty is Out" and "Drama and Opulence is In". Each theme heralds a new era in the design of engagement rings, where the emphasis is on making choices that are as unique and bold as the love they symbolize.

Dainty is Out

Alternative non-traditional Engagement Ring oval cut teal sapphire and wide cigar band

Alternative non-traditional Engagement Ring oval cut teal sapphire and wide cigar band.  Make yours 

Alternative non-traditional Engagement Ring with signet ring and east west bezel set marquise diamond

Unique Engagement Ring with signet style band and east west bezel set marquise diamond. Make yours 

Gone are the days when engagement rings were all about slender bands and understated designs. In 2024, the preference leans heavily towards chunky or curved bands, texture, and showstopping details that demand attention 46. This bold departure from tradition is a clear indication that when it comes to engagement rings, bigger and bolder is indeed better 46.

Drama and Opulence is In

Alternative non-traditional Engagement Ring with gold cigar band and east west marquise diamond bezel set

Alternative non-traditional Engagement Ring with gold cigar band and east west marquise diamond bezel set.  Make yours 

The year 2024 is all about embracing drama and opulence in engagement ring designs. As ring shoppers become more adventurous, there's a growing interest in rings that incorporate texture and color accents to create a visually stunning effect 46. This trend is further highlighted by the popularity of chunky shanks that challenge conventional designs by playing with proportion. These thicker bands and settings allow the band to make as much of a statement as the stone itself, catering to nontraditional brides-to-be who desire something as bold and unique as their personalities 48.

Moreover, the playfulness in engagement ring designs is evident through the incorporation of multi-hued gemstones that capture the spirit of that special someone 48. This approach not only adds a layer of personalization but also infuses the rings with vibrant colors and characteristics, making each piece a one-of-a-kind testament to love and individuality 48.

Historically, engagement rings have evolved significantly, from the minimalist solitaires of the past to the intricate and bold designs of the present. The roaring 20s introduced white platinum rings adorned with delicate lace-like details, while the 30s saw the rise of Art Deco, characterized by bold geometric patterns and vibrant colors 49. The 60s and beyond witnessed a departure from simple round-cut diamonds to more extravagant cuts and designs, reflecting the changing tastes and preferences of the times 49.

This evolution underscores the cyclical nature of fashion and design, with each era bringing its unique influence to the world of engagement rings. As we look towards 2024, it's clear that the trend is leaning towards designs that are not just visually stunning but also rich in symbolism and personal significance, marking a new chapter in the history of engagement rings 4950.

In embracing bolder engagement ring designs, individuals are choosing to express their love and commitment in ways that are as unique and vibrant as their relationships. This trend towards drama and opulence, while challenging traditional notions of engagement rings, opens up a world of possibilities for personal expression and creativity in the realm of fine jewelry.

Vintage-Inspired Designs

Alternative non traditional engagement ring celestial oval cut pink sapphire baguette halo

Alternative non traditional engagement ring celestial oval cut pink sapphire baguette halo.  Make yours 

Vintage-inspired engagement rings represent a bridge between the past and present, embodying the elegance, romance, and artistry of bygone eras with a contemporary twist. These designs draw heavily on the aesthetics and craftsmanship of historical periods, offering a timeless appeal that transcends current trends. 

Historical Influence

Alternative non-traditional Engagement Ring vintage style with oval cut center diamond and double diamond halo.  Make yours 

The allure of vintage-inspired engagement rings lies in their ability to capture the essence of various historical periods, each with its unique style and cultural significance. The Victorian era, known for its intricate designs and sentimental symbolism, introduced rings adorned with detailed filigree work and nature-inspired motifs 555657. Following this, the Edwardian period embraced delicate, lace-like patterns and a preference for platinum, reflecting the elegance and femininity of the time 56. The bold, geometric shapes and vibrant colors of Art Deco engagement rings marked a departure from the softness of earlier styles, embodying the exuberance of the roaring twenties 5556. The Midcentury period simplified these designs, favoring sleek lines and a focus on the diamond's brilliance 56. Each of these eras contributed to the rich tapestry of design elements that inform vintage-inspired rings today, offering a diverse palette from which to draw inspiration 555657.

Classic with a Modern Twist

Alternative non-traditional Engagement Ring with oval cut center diamond and large diamond flower halo crown

Alternative non-traditional Engagement Ring with oval cut center diamond and large diamond flower halo crown.  Make yours 

Valley Rose jewelry adeptly navigates the balance between historical reverence and contemporary innovation in their vintage-inspired engagement rings. By incorporating modern advancements in gemstone sourcing and ring manufacturing, they ensure that each piece not only looks timeless but is also created with ethical and sustainable practices 5354. The use of lab-grown diamonds from air pollution offers an eco-friendly alternative to traditional mining, while the meticulous hand-setting of stones and time honored detailing pay homage to the craftsmanship of the past 54

Pear and Oval Shaped Rings

Alternative non-traditional Engagement Ring with signet ring bezel set oval diamond three stone ring on wide band

Minimalist three stone Engagement Ring with wide bezel set oval diamonds.  Make yours 

Pear and oval-shaped rings, belonging to the fancy-cut diamonds category, have gained immense popularity for their unique ability to reflect and refract light in distinctive ways 61. These cuts are celebrated for their symmetry and balance, with oval diamonds presenting a perfectly symmetrical, oblong silhouette, and pear cuts dazzling with their asymmetrical outline, combining the best aspects of oval and marquise diamonds 61.

Celebrity Influence

Non traditional diamond solitaire engagement ring pear cut diamond

Oval Cut diamond solitaire engagement ring. Make yours 

The allure of pear and oval-shaped rings has been significantly bolstered by celebrities, with figures like Blake Lively and Hailey Bieber showcasing the modern twist these gems add to traditional diamond cuts 63. Lively's choice of an oval cut diamond has been pivotal in propelling its popularity, while the pear cut, often worn for its feminine and delicate appearance, has been highlighted by celebrities aiming for a slimmer finger illusion 6359. This celebrity endorsement has not only spotlighted the aesthetic appeal of these cuts but has also played a crucial role in their adoption among trendsetters and everyday couples alike 64.

Design Benefits

Non traditional diamond engagement ring pear cut diamond with light blue sapphire halo

Vintage style engagement ring with a pear cut diamond and ornate light blue sapphire halo.  Make yours 

One of the key advantages of pear and oval-shaped diamonds is their appearance of a larger face-up size compared to other cuts of the same carat weight, making ovals a budget-friendly option for those seeking maximum visible stone size 61. Moreover, the elongated cut of oval diamonds provides more facets around the edges to reflect light, enhancing their brilliance and making them a popular choice for solitaire settings 61. Pear cuts, on the other hand, offer designers creative flexibility, fitting well into halo diamond settings and allowing for eye-catching styles, such as east-west rings 61.

Unique Appeal

Non traditional diamond solitaire engagement ring oval cut diamond with pave band. Make yours 


The unique appeal of pear and oval-shaped rings lies in their blend of classic elegance and contemporary design. Oval diamonds, with their sleek shape, offer timeless appeal with an understated glamour that shines in both simple and elaborate settings 61. Pear-cut diamonds, with their quietly luxurious aesthetic, add architectural interest and align well with glamorous vintage motifs while also offering contemporary appeal in the right design 61. These cuts symbolize strength, empowerment, and independence for pear-shaped diamonds, and fertility, rebirth, and family for oval diamonds, adding layers of meaning beyond their visual charm 62.

In summary, pear and oval-shaped rings stand out for their distinctive beauty, celebrity influence, and the unique benefits they offer in design and appeal. Their continued popularity is a testament to their versatility, making them a top choice for those seeking an engagement ring that combines tradition with a modern flair 61626364.

Non-Traditional Custom Rings: Embracing Individuality

Alternative non-traditional Engagement Ring with oval cut diamond and red pink ruby morganite halo

Oval cut diamond Engagement Ring with red and pink ruby morganite halo. Make yours 

Pear cut light green sapphire Engagement Ring with pear cut green emerald halo.  Make yours 

Through the exploration of the eight stunning non-traditional engagement ring trends set to captivate hearts in 2024, it becomes clear that individuality and ethical considerations are at the forefront of modern love stories. Colored gemstones, the playful hues inspired by Peach Fuzz Pantone's Color of the Year, boldly reimagined designs, and the timeless appeal of vintage-inspired rings pave the way for a future where engagement rings are as unique as the couples themselves. Valley Rose stands out as a beacon of innovation, leading the charge in crafting custom, ethically sourced engagement rings that not only reflect the wearer's personality but also our commitment to sustainability and ethical practices in the jewelry industry.

As we look ahead, the surge in popularity of non-traditional custom rings and ethically made lab diamonds, signal a shift in societal norms—where expressing one's individuality and making ethical choices are paramount. These trends underscore a broader movement towards personalization, ethical sourcing, and conscious consumerism in the realm of fine jewelry. For those ready to embark on the journey of creating a symbol of their love that is as unique and thoughtful as their partnership, Valley Rose offers the perfect starting point. Book your free custom engagement ring consultation today!


As the world of engagement rings evolves, the increasing demand for personalization in jewelry design becomes evident. This trend towards customization allows individuals to express their unique personalities through their choice of ring, suggesting that 2024 will usher in an era of innovative and exciting designs 73.

The push towards sustainability is increasingly shaping designs for engagement rings. Many are opting for lab-grown diamonds, which provide a guilt-free luxury due to their reduced environmental impact and ethical sourcing 75. This shift is part of a broader movement towards sustainability that influences not only the choice of materials but also the overall design and significance of engagement rings 75.

As we move forward, engagement ring design trends continue to embrace both new innovations and time-honored traditions, blending personal expression with ethical considerations. This dynamic interplay ensures that engagement rings remain not just a symbol of commitment but also a reflection of contemporary values and individual tastes 737475.


1. What are the trending engagement ring styles for 2024? In 2024, the fashion in engagement rings leans towards cool-toned gemstones. Expect to see a rise in popularity of green and blue stones such as emerald and classic blue sapphires.

2. Which diamond shapes are expected to be most popular in 2024? The most fashionable diamond shapes for 2024 include round brilliants and elongated cuts like oval, pear, and emerald shapes.

3. What type of engagement ring design is considered timeless? The round brilliant cut is widely regarded as the most timeless engagement ring design. Its carefully crafted facets are designed to maximize the brilliance of the diamond, resulting in a stunning display of light and fire.

4. What is the expected cost range for engagement rings in 2024? In 2024, the average price for an engagement ring is anticipated to be between $5,000 and $7,000 USD. However, prices can vary significantly based on location and personal preferences.


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[62] - https://www.diamondnexus.com/blog/pear-vs-oval-diamond-whats-the-difference/
[63] - https://www.loosegrowndiamond.com/pear-cut-diamond-vs-oval-cut-diamond/
[64] - https://www.goodstoneinc.com/blogs/news/why-is-everyone-obsessed-with-oval-engagement-rings
[65] - https://www.italojewelry.com/blog/what-makes-unique-pear-engagement-rings-a-perfect-choice/
[67] - https://www.jckonline.com/editorial-article/digital-customization-engagement/
[68] - https://customjewelry.com/custom-engagement-ring-trends/
[69] - https://richterphillips.com/ring-designer/
[70] - https://valleyrosestudio.com/blogs/journal/our-custom-engagement-ring-service
[71] - https://valleyrosestudio.com/products/milky-way-ring
[73] - https://www.refinery29.com/en-us/2024-engagement-ring-trends-non-traditional
[74] - https://www.brides.com/2024-engagement-ring-trends-8421543
[75] - https://www.whowhatwear.com/engagement-ring-trends-2024

1 Response

Roelavi Atelier
Roelavi Atelier

June 12, 2023

Nice posting.Thank you for sharing this post such a useful information.

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Sizing & Care

Ring Sizing Guide

Print and download this chart to find your ring size. Make sure you use exactly 8.5"x11" letter paper. You can use a string or a piece of paper and wrap around your finger or nuckle to measure the circumference and match to your size.

Brilliant Earth Ring Sizing Guide ↠


Necklace Sizing Guide

Follow this chart to see where the necklace will fall. All necklace sizes are described on the product pages. We suggest getting a piece of string and measuring necklace on your neck to ensure best fit. 


Special Care Instructions

To keep your jewels looking their best please keep these tips in mind to extend the life of your pieces. 

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